His powers are pretty cool to, seems he shares a lot of Spidey’s colors but Spidey’s actives are his passives and Spidey passive (purple) is his active so that might work. Not that Anthony Mackie didn’t do an excellent job, he did but we got the movie Falcon in Avengers Alliance so its nice for MPQ to do something different this time. I really like how they are using the classic Falcon despite him not being the one featured in the Winter Solider. Overall, it is looking a lot better every day for a top 100 finish in the Hunt to get me at least one Falcon cover and that is what I need to make sure I stay competitive in PvE because as we know the newly released covers normally star in PvP and more importantly PvE post release. Buffed Johnny is fun too, especially his green when you have a lot of green stockpiled but man, he uses the same colors as Frank so many times I deferred to using a Punisher power over his. As mentioned above, my PvP run was literally only 2-3 with a quick 3 hr shield near the end to guarantee my rating and I suffered no losses and very few retaliations on the way. Both events ended really well despite taking off most of the day for Easter. 1) I’ve found my go-to team 2) I need to finish leveling Magneto to level 85 (his level cap).

Heck, today only, I was able to score a top 10 finish in the PvE as well with the same team I ran during my 2-3 hour PvP run and has pretty much locked in two things. Definitely a good trade off for the black strike tile/ damage I think. I’ve already noticed the world of difference in damage with a leveled Frank (now 100 and rising) and 3 strike tiles. With Frank’s assistance, we are taking down enemies with tons of health points thanks to his 5 red and now thanks to a top 10 finish in the Human Torch PvP re-run and the assistance of my Alliance, I can now make him 3 Black/ 5 Green/ 5 Red which is his best build. His purple fueling Spidey is why I am able to keep even the hardest of foes in endless stun lock and take even the hardest nodes down. With this PvE Hunt for Falcon providing tons of Iso, I’ve been able to level up my Magneto Now to Level 70 and he is actually at 110 when buffed for the event, he really is a monster right now. The last couple days of Marvel Puzzle Quest have been incredible fun.

Well I think I have official made the big leagues.