Thankfully, modders have stepped into the a mod manager that brings standard mod management tools to Total War warhammer 1 and 2. It acts like a shitty billboard advertisement for GW's models for Age of Sigmar that link to models like Orruk Warbosses.
There is no way to sort out the load order of the mods and even the UI is terrible. Eventually anons may want to merge minor mods that do similar things like say skin changes or minor cosmetic improvements together to free up space for bigger mods.Ĭontents.Mod Manager If you have been playing the game long enough, you will realise that CA's mod manager is bad. Anything tagged with Requires Crynsos' Framework requires Crynsos' Framework for best results and reduced compatibility issues.The amount of mods that you can have without crashing the game depends on your available RAM. A good rule of thumb is that the larger the mod's scope, the greater the chance that it will fuck your save up when you tinker with your preferences.Overhauls and massive changes that are generally incompatible with each other now have their different sections to help anons out. Most modders will be happy to answer your questions regarding compatibility issues. For best results you should select your mods before starting your gameplay session. Mods that change your gameplay can and eventually will mess up your save if you keep adding them during your current session. Things like reskins, lighting mods, and texture mods are examples of cosmetic mods. Cosmetic mods are just that, cosmetic, you can generally add or remove mods in the middle of your playthrough without ruining your current campaign. Luckily for you total war games in general have a large and vibrant modding community, and the popularity of the Warhammer total war game means that there is a bewildering variety of mods that shake up the game down to it's very core.A word of advice on Total War mods in general.